Saturday 26 May 2012


We made it to our prison block hotel at about two in the morning after a long arse drive. We lost some bees from our roof and lost some team members on the eurostar but it all came good.

With the time difference we had about four hours sleep but hard core night shift experience is coming in very handy and we are now about an hour from the Swiss border.

The dumballers are split into teams. Our team is sound. We have a Huey, a rolls a rubicks cube and by far the best car on the dumball the ghostbusters. Our team leader is dressed as a christmas tree and drives a car covered in wrapping paper. He has so far delivering some slightly dodgy directions but is a good chap none the less. Pics of all the cars will follow.

We have also been issued with walkie talkies which are great fun

I'm not getting enough to eat, sophie is well on the way to being sozzled in the back and I had to share a doubleish sized bed with Lester but it's fun none the less.

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