Monday 4 June 2012

Sleeper train

Now sitting at a bar in Kiev. The sleeper train was lots of fun but impossible to sleep on. The train was built in 1962. Lots of wood panels and Persian carpets and also hot water on tap for tea finally.

Our cabin was a million degrees and too noisy for much sleep so we arrived at a relatively dodgy Kiev train station at seven in the morning looking like a load of Zombies with too many bags.

The plane home is later today so we are going to look at a 'charming' street in keiv then get a taxi to the station.

It's been a real adventure and I'm looking forward to getting home and sleeping for as long as physically possible. Then I'm going to the doctors to sort out the weird rash on my back, my gamy knee and the extensive exposure to asbestos my lungs have sustained.

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