Friday 1 June 2012

Victory lap

We just about made it! We all woke up late and hungover excellent conditioning for driving in Moldova.

There was one iron rule for today: do not take the road to Bender. Bender lies in a disputed breakaway state with poor human rights records. There is no diplomatic contact with anywhere and therefore no embassy to help you if you get into trouble.

We took the road to Bender. In a rare stroke of luck our navigator realised their mistake and we turned around. Red squadron didn't turn round but were stopped at the border to bender. They said there were lots of guns on show.

Slight detour over we got to the Ukraine border to meet our police escort for our victory lap of Odessa.

we had one police car to halt rush hour odessa traffic for us, it was carnage. We came within about 5cm of wiping out the team in frount at one point. Driving in a convoy with all of the cars for the first time looked amazing. Eventually we made it to the town square for a cutting of a red tape. Not really sure why but it was fun.

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