Friday 9 March 2012

Buckets of money, sleeper trains and bees

There is a lot going on this week. The fund raising in Churchill square was a big success, the team raised £130. Thank you to everyone who donated and also a big thanks to the chaps who turned up to support the team.

We have also been sorting out the end of our adventure. Unfortunately the airline that flies from our final destination (Odessa) has gone out of business. However with misfortune comes opportunity. In this case the opportunity is to ride a sleeper train through the Ukraine to Kiev and fly home from there. This sounds like a suitably Foggonian end to the trip and preparations are under way.


  1. What exactly is a Foggonian event?

  2. Reminiscent of the character Phileas Fogg. I may have made it up.

    1. Thank you, was he related to the Laura Fogg?
