Friday 9 March 2012

Sophie and Lester visit a Bee Farm

I was sending out emails asking for sponsorship when a man called Roger replied within about 5 minutes offering an amazing amount of money.  We all got a bit excited and thought we should arrange to meet him to make sure he wasn't a fictional character.   So on Saturday myself and Sophie headed off to Hassocks in West Sussex to meet him at his farm.  It turns out Roger is a real person and a nice one at that. He obviously knows alot about bees. We obviously don't as we wondered whether all the bees are sleeping since they aren't around in February. Roger showed us around and told us about a delivery of 9 million bees on its way to him! We had a good chat and I suspect Roger may consider taking on the Dumball Rally next year depending on how we get on.  We checked out a bit of honey and said goodbye to Roger. Heres his website .


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