Thursday 22 March 2012

Easter fundraiser

Preparations are underway for an Easter fundraiser in Essex

As Essex/Suffolk is the birthplace of 50% of our team we have been working hard to secure a fundraising event

Team Bzzzzzz are pleased to announce that Sophie’s friend Stuart who owns a pub has kindly given us run of the place for an entire evening!!
This fundraising night will take place on Saturday 7th April at the Fox Pub on Mersea Island !! If you are all wondering where Mersea Island is, well
it’s a small place just off the Coast near Colchester…and yes, it is a genuine Island !

Anyway, plans are underway and excitement is building!! Stuart has kindly organized a band to come in for the night, all at his own expense which is fantastic!
We just started writing to businesses local to that area to collect some decent raffle prizes or donations. So far Colchester Zoo has kindly offered us some
kids tickets so we are hoping more great donations will follow.

For entertainment value Sophie is going to be working in the pub for free all night (all wages obviously being donated to the Charity!!)

We hope you will come along to this event, it is gonna be so good that even the Easter bunny is coming, so we apologize in advance if any of you are
missing your chocolate Sunday morning!!

We will keep you updated on any further progress with the organizing and the band that are coming to entertain us!! Any amazing business owners who
donate a prize will of course get a special mention on this page!!


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